Monday, 26 April 2010

Another Busy Weekend

In an attempt to avoid boredom I managed to jam pack my weekend again...

Friday saw a trip to WELKS Championship Show. I thought it would be nice for people to get to see Herby's brother Milo out and about so I offered to take him to WELKS with Herby. Milo is a complete novice at showing - he has only been stacked a few times in his life and the show was the first time I had ever put a slip lead on him. He had never had a judge "go over him". So I really had no idea what to expect. He proved an absolute star though and stood and moved like he had done it many times before. I was happy with him just behaving for me so imagine my surprise when he was placed first in his puppy class. Fantastic! I had entered Herby into the Junior Dog class so I could take Milo in the puppy class and he did me proud and won that and went on to be awarded Best Puppy Dog. Tennant, looking gorgeous as ever won VHC in a big Post Grad. Dog class. How proud was I of the three Amiryck boys!!

Below are pictures of Milo taken by Sam of Farlap Photography. I was thrilled that Sam was on hand to take some photos of him because nothing quite compares to the quality of the images she captures - she comes highly recommended by me :)

Saturday saw a trip to Stoneleigh Park and the Spring Alpaca Fiesta. Where Inca, as is often the case, managed to bag Champion Black Male and Female!! Congratulations to Tracey and Tim. It was a good opportunity to catch up with some alpaca friends as well.

Unfortunately I had to come home Saturday night rather than staying for Sunday so that Richard could go to the HWVA Spring Pointing Test. A very successful event where the majority of dogs that ran were wires. I understand a good day was had by all.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

What a weekend!

We have had a busy weekend this weekend.

Yesterday I was stewarding at the SWAG Show. It was rather weird to be at an alpaca show without alpacas in hand! Nevertheless there seemed to be a lovely relaxed atmosphere there. Unfortunately I missed watching Mark in the ring with the Patou girls today but I hear they did rather well!! Congratulations to Patou.

The reason I didn't go to the alpaca show today was because we all went to the HWVA Open Show in Leicestershire. We had a fantastic day; lovely weather and a great atmosphere. Our dogs did us proud and were placed in every class we entered them in to.

Herby won First Puppy Dog (Class of 9), Best Dog Puppy and Reserve Best Puppy in Show!!!
Apple won First (Special Award - Class of 9) Novice and Reserve Postgraduate Bitch
Daisy won (Special Award) Gundog Working Test Dog or Bitch and came home with the Tola Memorial Shield for the Highest Score Spring/Grouse Pointing Test Junior in the HWVA Annual Awards.
Cally came Second in Field Trial Dog/Bitch

Herby in his class

Richard and Daisy

Friday, 16 April 2010

Alpaca watching

Our girls have been split up to allow us to more carefully watch Ronnie (left) who will be 11 months pregnant next week, feed up Annie (next to her) before she is mated and wean Danika and Dahlia (2 on the right). Unfortunately they would rather be in the larger field with the rest and like dreaming about it over the gate.

The rest of the girls are enjoying the nice weather in the field....

The regular Cinnie fix......

Meanwhile the dogs are watching through the fence rather than over the gate. Think there may be some pheasants in the next field...





Monday, 5 April 2010

Retrieving practice

Not wanting to waste this dry weather we were out today doing a small amount of retrieving practice. Below are the wires doing what they love best....

Herby, Apple, Daisy and Cally

Daisy presenting to "daddy"

Now the alpacas have dried out a bit we can post a few pics of those as well!!!

Ronnie, who is due our first cria of the year shortly

Half sisters Dahlia and Moselle

Cinnie (of course!!)

Calendiva (Centurian daughter)