Monday, 27 February 2012

What a beautiful weekend

The lovely weather this weekend provided the perfect opportunity to get out and about with dogs and alpacas.  Below are some pictures of the puppies and alpacas in the very welcome sunshine.

Isla with Daucus who will hopefully be shortly heading south to become a much loved pet.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

First taste of food and the outdoors

Today saw two "firsts" for the puppies.  This morning they had their first taste of solid food, and they loved it, no coaxing necessary they dived straight in.  This was followed by a VERY brief foray into the garden for a quick sniff around before returning to their warm room.  It no doubt won't be long before they would rather be out than in!

the preferred mode of transport

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Puppy Head Shots

Now the puppies have their eyes open, some headshots of our little treasures!