Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Cria round up

Now we have had our final cria of the year I thought it would be nice to summarise our new additions.  We are very pleased with all of them.
The Girls
Coco and Navigator's cria
Cinnie and Jack's cria
Halo and Jack's cria
Monique and Mirage's cria
Ronnie and Columbus's cria
The Boys
Moselle and Jack's cria
Ambrose and Imposing's cria
Clover and Jack's cria
and for Oliver's benefit, here is a picture of Inca Dolly who has come to live with us


Lucy said...

Ooooooh what a fine clutch of crias!!! I see there's a Jack head - they look stunning all of them. So jealous with our meagre number this year (after last year's probs). Looking forward to seeing how they all grow.

Patou Alpacas said...

Looking good Karen, especially Erica of course!