Sunday, 6 June 2010

Bath and West Show 2010

We have just returned from a lovely few days at the Bath and West Show. No photos of the camping set up from us - we just can't compete with the Patou facilities!!!

We didn't take any animals but Amiryck did come home with a couple of rosettes! Chris and Isla took part in "Junior" Junior handling and won a first and second rosette.

Below is Christopher with an absolutely gorgeous EP Cambridge girl who we borrowed for him - thank you to them for the loan!

Christopher paying careful attention to his alpaca
Christopher being grilled by the judge...
Christopher showing off (his animal?)
Isla carefully leading Inca Drambuie
Isla being quizzed by the judge Nick Harrington-Smith. Have to say what a great job he did giving them an interesting task to compete and quizzing them to their level.
Christopher and IslaIn the final line up, rosettes in hand.
It was great to see so many friends do well with their animals. A special congratulations to the mighty Patou and Penny and dad of our latest addition Erica; Sir Cambridge Columbus and of course to Inca who as usual got plenty of rosettes but extra specially Reserve Champion Senior Male with Lilyfield Jack of Spades of Inca against all the other colours - some achievement! Below is the man himself.
We did get some time to relax as well. Here is the family having a train ride, whilst naturally I had to stay behind to photograph, Pimms in hand :o)


Patou Alpacas said...

Congratulations to Christopher and Isla! Sorry we missed that.

Great train shot!

Unknown said...

Welldone Chris and Isla.

Nice photos Karen. What, no Inca Grey photos?!!

Mum XX

Amiryck said...

Slapped wrists too for me - Congratulations to the grey trio, I mean quads - Inca Grey!